The 3D blocks for your Wikihouse will made from 2D patterns that are CNC cut from sheets of 3/4″ (18mm) plywood or OSB.

After you have completed your digital design in CAD you will export a set of configuration files.  From the CAD output, you will know how many sheets of plywood will be required for the entire enclosure.  You will also have the necessary CNC files with which to feed into a large-bed (4’x8′) CNC router to cut 2D patterns. 

Central to the WikiHouse system is the idea of micro-factories where sheets of 4’x8’x3/4″ plywood are transformed into precision-fit building blocks.  A cottage-industry WikiHouse manufacturer will require space for one or more CNC machines,  an area to hold incoming plywood stacks and a space to hold the outgoing cut pattern pieces,  a space to assemble (click together) the 2D pattern pieces to form 3D blocks, and lastly,  a space to store the blocks from where they eventually get loaded onto a truck to be delivered to the building site. The WikiHouse Manufacturing Guide has all the details. 

The adjacent videos show the WikiHouse manufacturing setup and processes at Hub Workshop and PulpBuild in the UK.

DigitalWoodoo, also located in the UK, is another example of a cottage-industry WikiHouse manufacturer.

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